Doctoral Completion Planning
Earning your doctoral degree doesn’t have to be completely stressful and frustrating! It is no easy feat; however, it can be a very enjoyable process when you have identified your topic and created a strategic action plan of how you will approach it, along with a completion timeline. PhDLIT will help you get there fast! Ask Dr. Robinson how she proposed, wrote, and published her dissertation in six months!

Accountability Action Plan for Completion
You must hold yourself accountable by doing a small or big task every day. This needs to be planned out to ensure that you will arrive at your destination of Dr. in a timely manner. Dedication, Focus, and a bit of Support are a part of the magical formula. Let's discover your formula.

Getting Your Proposal Approved
Dr. Robinson will provide guidance and support with your first few chapters, to identify the appropriate direction you will need to move foward. Getting that IRB approval, and passing your proposal defense is critical to moving on to candidacy. Having clarity, structure, and confidence will move you there successfully and fast!

Getting To Defense and Congratulations Dr.
It is a magical feeling when you hear the words “Congratulations Dr.!” Your advisors/mentors are genuinely happy to get you there, and I will teach you how to effectively communicate with them to get you there faster with a prescribed action plan, customized just for you.
Self-Care and Wellness
Taking care of yourself is truly imperative along the doctoral journey. It is not always easy to get adequate rest and relaxation, but you must plan a routine and stick with it, just as you would for completing your reading and writing tasks. You choose what works for you, whether it is yoga, a fitness class, a spa evening, journaling, a nice dinner, a movie night, or a 10-minute walk. Fun and relaxation must be in the plan to maintain your mental health and wellness.

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